Including aspects of climate change into water safety planning

Title: Including aspects of climate change into water safety planning: Literature review of global experience and case studies from Ethiopian urban supplies

Author: Bettina Rickert, Harold van den Berg, Kasa Bekure, Seble Girma, Ana Maria de Roda Husman

Year: 2019

Transforming Landscapes, Transforming Lives The Business of Sustainable Water Buffer Management

Title: Transforming Landscapes, Transforming Lives The Business of Sustainable Water Buffer Management

Authors: Frank van Steenbergen, Albert Tuinhof and Lenneke Knoop

Year: 2011

Profit from Storage The costs and benefits of water buffering

Title: Profit from storage- The costs and benefits of water Buffering

Authors: Albert Tuinhof, Frank van Steenbergen, Peter Vos and Lieselotte Tolk


Securing Water and Land in the Tana Basin: a resource book for water managers and practitioners

Title: Securing Water and Land in the Tana Basin- a resource book for water managers and practitioners

Authors: Lenneke Knoop, Francesco Sambalino and Frank van Steenbergen

Year: 2012

Managing the Water Buffer for Development and Climate Change Adaptation

Title: Managing the Water Buffer for Development and Climate Change Adaptation Groundwater Recharge, Retention, Reuse and Rainwater Storage

Authors: Frank van Steenbergen and Albert Tuinhof


Consultancy Service for Master Plan Review, Catchment Rehabilitation and Awareness Creation for Geffersa, Legedadi, and Dire Catchment areas

Title:Consultancy Service for Master Plan Review, Catchment Rehabilitation and Awareness Creation for Geffersa, Legedadi, and Dire Catchment areasnt areas

Author:Ahmad Alkhuffash

Year: 2013

Prediction of Sediment Inflow to legedadi Reservoir Using SWAT Watershed and CCHE1D Sediment Transport Models

Title: Prediction of Sediment Inflow to legedadi Reservoir Using SWAT Watershed and CCHE1D

Authors:Andualem Gessese and Yonas M.
